Resources related to:
Dental services
Safe Return Plan, Student Well-Being Recovery Plan and more.
Update March 2023
Learn what you need to do if your student is at home due to a medical issue.
Learn about HPV. Up to 75 percent of HPV infections occur among people 15 thru 24 years old.
Immunization Recordkeeping
What vaccinations does your student need to attend school
Las vacunas que su estudiante necesita para asistir a la escuela
Immunization schedule (English)
Padres, ¿están sus hijos listos para la escuela?
Health forms for students.
Adolescents and young adults are more likely to get meningococcal disease, especially if they live in group settings, like college dorms.
Resolution 21 06 723
Information and Request Form for Voluntary Student Insurance.
Center for Disease Control Overview
Guidance on sick days
YHD Guidance on sick days