We currently offer four core programs:

How Learning Works

Students at the Innovation Center participate in standards-based learning. Their individual progress is tracked through a program called JumpRope, allowing students, parents, and staff to monitor their learning progress. After a student has completed the identified standards for the subject and or grade level, they receive a grade in Skyward. Students can then progress to the next related set of standards truly allowing them to advance as they are able, but also providing additional time as needed in standards that take a little longer to master.

As students advance, they can take dual-credit courses that earn them high school and college credit through Arizona State University such as English 101, college algebra, speech, and courses related to their interests.

Students work with a career counselor to monitor their progress and align their learning to their future aspirations.

Grades 7-9

Students choose a program to focus on that aligns with their personal and career interests. Every morning, all year long, a cohort of program students and an industry expert designer (teacher) learn through lessons and projects with embedded standards from industry and core subject areas.

Each day, students have time set aside for independent study, assessments, online learning, Arizona State University coursework, club meetings, meetings with a career counselor, collaborative work and fun with classmates, and more.

In the afternoon, students follow a trimester rotation schedule so they can explore interests, examine interconnections, and complete other standards in the other program areas.

Grades 10-12

In grades 10-12 students spend their day in their chosen program area advancing their related skills, pursuing projects of interest continuing to earn high school credits, taking Arizona State University courses, and earing industry certifications. The school partners with AJAC and local employers to place students in workplace learning experiences and apprenticeships prior to and throughout their senior year.